The P&M Software company is engaged in small software applications especially for machinery industry and for scientific research.
The most important are applications FAUNA for faunistic data processing. Development of the Fauna software started in 1993. In the year 1994 appeared the first useful version FAUNA 94, which did not include the module for net map drawing. It was developed in the Borland Pascal language and its database was based on the Borland Paradox system. One part of this application was also simple module for locality and determining labels printing. When the new millennium started advanced FAUNA 2000 came. For its development was used the Borland Delphi, which has brought some new possibilities. This version contained databases of some orders of insects and also the first municipal database of the Czech Republic. Quite new was the SM 2000 module for net map creating. Lately similar software AVES 2000 for the birds appearance mapping has appeared. FAUNA 2002 brought within a lot of improvements also very detailed and very fine municipal databases of the Czech and Slovak Republics, full databases of all insect orders for Czech and Slovak Republics, many very good source materials for the net maps, improved modules LOK-DET, SM 2002 and LITERATURE. FAUNA 2002 exists also in the Slovak localization.
FAUNA 2010 came in 2010 and has brought completely novel approach. FAUNA 2011 is a direct continuing version bringing lots of improvements.